Bootie reads the bible....

Zaraza quote- "if really there are witnesses, their statements are unreliable. Eyewitness is nothing without evidence"
POS reply- Every day, the police and courts of law rely on eyewitness testimonies so that the judge and jury can decide the case..:)

Hehe :)
No, main evidence is material evidence. Eyewitness is very bad thing to use in case.
If eyewitness testimony is not confirmed by something material it is considered unreliable.

Zaraza quote- "if really there are witnesses, how do we know it's not a fraud? David Copperfield also can gather thousands of witnesses"
POS reply- Can David Copperfield bring dead people back to life?

He did pass through Chinese Wall. Thousands of witnesses. When he learn trick how to make zombies, i think he will show us.

Zaraza quote (re scientists making amoebas)- "They will. Maybe not today, maybe not tommorow, but i think that this kind of engineering is not far away"
POS reply- Prove it..;)

Prove what? That making organs is possible and ongoing?

POS reply- Why hasn't the theory of evolution already created those advanced retinas?

What are you trying to say? If it is not made so far, it is impossible? Medicine is advancing on this field, and we have to be patient for the results.
Btw, theory of evolution does not create anything.

Why has evolution stopped?

It is not. It's happening in front of our eyes.
POS quote" Every day, the police and courts of law rely on eyewitness testimonies so that the judge and jury can decide the case"

Actually, eyewitness testimony is considered by both police and litigators as the weakest form of evidence. This is because it is influenced by individual perceptions and beliefs. Two people witnessing the same thing, more often than not, describe the scene and events differently. This fact is enhanced with the passage of time.
Judge Judy often decides cases when there's no hard evidence, she simply listens to what the people tell her, and then makes a judgement. She NEVER says "I'm sorry, I don't know who to award this case to".
Likewise, we have to look at what the Bible tells us, and then make our judgement whether to believe it or not.
This is how atheists judge it-
Genesis- NOT TRUE!
Exodus- NOT TRUE!
Leviticus- NOT TRUE!
Numbers- NOT TRUE!
Deuteronomy- NOT TRUE!
Joshua- NOT TRUE!
Judges- NOT TRUE!
1 Samuel- NOT TRUE!
2 Samuel- NOT TRUE!
1 Kings- NOT TRUE!
2 Kings- NOT TRUE!
1 Chronicles- NOT TRUE!
2 Chronicles- NOT TRUE!
Nehemiah- NOT TRUE!
Esther- NOT TRUE!
Psalms- NOT TRUE!
Proverbs- NOT TRUE!
Ecclesiastes- NOT TRUE!
Song of Solomon- NOT TRUE!
Isaiah- NOT TRUE!
Jeremiah- NOT TRUE!
Lamentations- NOT TRUE!
Ezekiel- NOT TRUE!
Daniel- NOT TRUE!
Hosea- NOT TRUE!
Obadiah- NOT TRUE!
Jonah- NOT TRUE!
Micah- NOT TRUE!
Nahum- NOT TRUE!
Habakkuk- NOT TRUE!
Zephaniah- NOT TRUE!
Haggai- NOT TRUE!
Zecharia- NOT TRUE!
Malachi- NOT TRUE!
Matthew- NOT TRUE!
The Acts- NOT TRUE!
Romans- NOT TRUE!
1 Corinthians- NOT TRUE!
2 Corinthians- NOT TRUE!
Galatians- NOT TRUE!
Ephesians- NOT TRUE!
Phillipians- NOT TRUE!
Colossians- NOT TRUE!
1 Thessalonians- NOT TRUE!
2 Thessalonians- NOT TRUE!
1 Timothy- NOT TRUE!
2 Timothy- NOT TRUE!
Titus- NOT TRUE!
Philemon- NOT TRUE!
Hebrews- NOT TRUE!
James- NOT TRUE!
1 Peter- NOT TRUE!
2 Peter- NOT TRUE!
1 John- NOT TRUE!
2 John- NOT TRUE!
3 John- NOT TRUE!
Revelation- NOT TRUE!

Ha ha ha..:)
POS quote Judge Judy often decides cases when there's no hard evidence, she simply listens to what the people tell her, and then makes a judgement. She NEVER says "I'm sorry, I don't know who to award this case to".

She only does this when there is a lack of any other kind of evidence. Eyewitness or word-of-mouth evidence is categorized as circumstantial evidence. Many people have been convicted based on this type of evidence but it is only when there is a lack of scientific evidence. Look at the number of "convicted felons' who have been released from prison when scientific evidence has proven their innocence, even though the circumstantial evidence presented at their trial was enough to convict them.

Many trials end in mistrials or hung juries when those who are to decide guilt or innocence cannot come to a conclusion based on the evidence presented.
Remember to that people get released because the scientific evidence is wrong.

Evidence can not be wrong :) People are wrong when they use inadequate methods to get it (or interpret results).
Remember to that people get released because the scientific evidence is wrong.

Exactly, but how is scientific evidence proven wrong?

By more current science that disproves what was known, or thought to be known, before.

Someone convicted on the basis of DNA evidence would have that conviction overturned when further scientific examination proves that the original conclusions were flawed. That same person would remain incarcerated even though someone comes forward and says "this person is innocent because I saw them somewhere else at the time of the crime".

Scientific evidence trumps here-say.
Zaraza quote- "If eyewitness testimony is not confirmed by something material it is considered unreliable"

POS reply- A lot of Judge Judy's cases involve two people simply saying the other is lying, neither has any proof.
Judy listens carefully to what each of them has to say, and then gives her verdict..:)

I've seen what Dawkins says in his evolution books, and a lot of it makes sense, but a lot of it is guesses and hunches. My verdict is that I believe in evolution BUT I believe it needed God to kickstart it, then keep tweaking it to keep it running smoothly.
POS reply- A lot of Judge Judy's cases involve two people simply saying the other is lying, neither has any proof.
Judy listens carefully to what each of them has to say, and then gives her verdict..:)

I just googled for Judge Judy...
You are talking about TV Show???

I've seen what Dawkins says in his evolution books, and a lot of it makes sense, but a lot of it is guesses and hunches. My verdict is that I believe in evolution BUT I believe it needed God to kickstart it, then keep tweaking it to keep it running smoothly.

Evolution, modern science and religion can co-exists, as long as believing does not affect rational thinking. However, you do not have approve miracles, fairytales about creation of everything, and stuff like that.
Yes Judge Judy is a real judge on TV.
As for bible 'fairytales', a lot of science sounded like fairytales until it was proven.
For example when Einstein said time was not rigid, but was stretchy and flexible, nobody believed him.
The moral?-todays "fairytales' may become tomorrows fact..:)
If I was a scientist and was asked what I thought about the bible, I'd say- "we can't prove much of it, but it'd be illogical to simply dismiss it out of hand"
Yes Judge Judy is a real judge on TV.
That;s supose to be argument for something?

As for bible 'fairytales', a lot of science sounded like fairytales until it was proven.

Pay attention on red text.

For example when Einstein said time was not rigid, but was stretchy and flexible, nobody believed him.

He did not just say: "Yo, time is relative".
He explained that idea. With mathematics and physics.

If I was a scientist and was asked what I thought about the bible, I'd say- "we can't prove much of it, but it'd be illogical to simply dismiss it out of hand"

When you look at historical events, so called creation, miracles and other crap, you can dismiss it.
First of all, themselves are not logical and require faith. So, bible writer could write whatever he wanted, and you would believe him. Just because you must.

On the other hand we have science with evidences. Those things can't compare. As science advances, religion is loosing. There is no much room for stories. We have better stories today, like Lord Of The Rings, for example.
Zaraza quote-"When you look at historical events, so called creation, miracles and other crap, you can dismiss it"

POS reply- But the evidence of creation is all around us, how can you dismiss the evidence of your own eyes and senses?
Zaraza quote- "bible writer could write whatever he wanted, and you would believe him"

POS reply- Why would bible writers lie? Even the Koran says Jesus was a miracle man, do you disbelieve that too?-
[Koran 2.253] "We have made some of these apostles to excel the others, among them are they to whom Allah spoke, and some of them He exalted by many degrees of rank; and We gave clear miracles to Isa [Jesus] son of Marium [Mary], and strengthened him with the holy spirit.."
Zaraza quote-"As science advances, religion is loosing"

POS reply- Nah, for example science can't explain the sulfur balls at Sodom/Gomorrah as Bootie pointed out..:)
My reading continues... and this one is just strange.

After Lot left Sodom and headed for the hills with his two daughters they decided to live in a cave.

Lots 2 daughters were worried that they would never have sex so they got Lot drunk and took turns at jumping into bed with him!!

Needless to say the 2 daughters fell pregnant and gave birth to Moab and Ben-Ammi.

And Lot was their grandfather and father..... do you think he bought them 2 presents each on their birthdays?
Scientists are puzzled when electrons are fired through a double-slit because they behave like waves, whereas they're not waves, they're particles of matter.
So they positioned an observing device behind the slits to see exactly why the electrons were behaving so oddly, but BINGO! - the electrons started behaving properly like electrons should, as if they KNEW they were being observed.
But when the observing device was then removed, the electrons went back to behaving oddly again!
Scientists are scratching their heads like crazy trying to figger it out.. :)
..Lots 2 daughters were worried that they would never have sex so they got Lot drunk and took turns at jumping into bed with him!!..

There's dames for you mate, they go temporarily nutty when the old hormones kick in; I'm surprised Lot could perform if he was sloshed..
Maybe God wanted them to have kids who'd grow up to become great leaders, so he put the notion into the womens heads because Lot was the only available donor in the cave.
Incidentally, if the bible has been edited and censored and prettied up over the centuries as atheists claim, surely they'd have completely edited out that jarring bit. But because it hasn't been edited out, it proves again that the bible has come down to us in its original form, warts and all..:)
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